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Arrr! Iranian scallywag be sayin' they won't be givin' the Israelis a taste o' their cannon fire right quick!


Arrr mateys, word be goin' 'round that Iran's military be keepin' their cutlasses sheathed for now, despite them scallywags from Israel causin' a ruckus near a nuclear hideout. Looks like the cannons be stayin' quiet for the time bein'! Arrr!

Arrrr, ye scallywags! A senior official from Iran has spilled the beans that they won't be strikin' back at Israel right away, after Israel be launching some limited attacks in Iran's Isfahan province. These strikes were in retaliation for Iran's missile and drone assault on Israel last weekend. The official be sayin' that they haven't confirmed the source of the incident and are leanin' towards it bein' more like an infiltration than a full-on attack.Last weekend, Iran fired at Israel in response to a suspected Israeli airstrike in Syria that left a senior commander in Iran's Revolutionary Guards Corps dead. The strike by Israel this time around be described as "limited" and the U.S. wasn't involved. Iranian state media reported shootin' down three drones over Isfahan and all nuclear facilities in the Natanz area be reported as safe.The International Atomic Energy Agency be keepin' a close eye on the situation, callin' for restraint from all parties and makin' it clear that nuclear facilities should never be targeted. The target of the strike is unknown, but it be confirmed to not be nuclear or civilian. Pentagon officials and the White House be keepin' mum on the matter for now.

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