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Arrr! A scallywag from Iran be caught aidin' them terror groups at Princeton University, ye scurvy dog!


Avast me hearties! 'Tis a scandalous tale indeed! A scallywag of a professor, a former Iranian scoundrel, be caught in cahoots with terror groups! 'Tis a shame to see such treachery in the hallowed halls of Princeton! Aye, the seas be full of surprises! Arrr!

In a jolly 17th century pirate lingo, arrr, mateys! A scandalous tale be unfoldin' in the high seas o' academia, as a former Iranian official and a Princeton professor be caught in a storm o' controversy. Seyed Hossein Mousavian be accused o' supportin' the likes o' Hezbollah and Hamas in an interview from 1997 in a German newspaper. The scallywag be also linked to an Iranian fatwa orderin' the assassination o' an author.Arrr, this revelation be causin' quite a stir among the swashbucklin' crew in Congress, with Mousavian facin' a probe fer allegedy advancin' Iran's interests. The scallywag be even invited to the White House by the Obama and Biden administrations, settin' off alarm bells among the landlubbers.In a spirited interview from the past, Mousavian be claimin' moral support fer Hezbollah and Hamas, but denyin' any direct aid. The matey be also linked to alleged terrorist activities in Europe, includin' the assassination o' Kurdish dissidents in a Berlin restaurant.Ye scurvy dog Mousavian be dodgin' questions about his ties to terrorist organizations, while defendin' Iran's despicable actions against Salman Rushdie. Calls be growin' louder fer his walkin' the plank from Princeton, alongside another academic with murky ties to Iran and unsavory views on the Jewish state. The waters be gettin' choppy fer this crew o' academic buccaneers!

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