The Booty Report

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Arrr, them Ukrainians be sweatin' bullets, awaitin' to see if the Yanks will send help. Avast!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! The lads and lasses be beggin' Congress for a hefty sum o' $60 billion to keep their cannons blastin' and swords swingin'. Without it, the poor souls in Ukraine be doomed to Davy Jones' locker in this war. Aye, 'tis a dire situation indeed! Arrr!

"Arrr, me hearties! Listen up, ye scallywags! The lads and lasses fightin' on the battlefield and in the cities be needin' a goodly sum o' $60 billion in military support from Congress. Without it, the poor souls in Ukraine say their chances in the war be lookin' as grim as a stormy night on the high seas.
Arrr, can ye imagine the chaos and confusion if the brave soldiers and civilians don't get the help they be needin'? The enemy be plunderin' and pillagin' their way through the land, and without the proper gear and supplies, the good folk o' Ukraine be standin' no chance against 'em.
So, me hearties, let's rally the troops and send a message to Congress to release the funds! Let's make sure our mates in Ukraine have the support they need to keep fightin' the good fight and send those scurvy dogs packin'! Aye, it be a matter of life and death, so let's not be dilly-dallyin'! Make way for the $60 billion treasure chest, and may the winds of fortune be in our favor!"

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