The Booty Report

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Arrr, Modi be gainin' more power than Davy Jones himself, India be swearin' loyalty to him, arrr!


Arr, me hearties! 'Tis said that the popular prime minister be set to win a third term in the votin' that begins on Friday. His firm grip be just what many Indians be cravin'. Let's hope he be keepin' the rum flowin'!

Ahoy mateys! It be said that the popular prime minister be settin' sail for a third term in the votin' seas that be startin' on a Friday. His grip be strong, and it be just what many Indians be cravin' for. His leadership be like a treasure chest full of gold, leadin' the ship through stormy waters and keepin' the crew in line.
Some may doubt the outcome, but the winds be blowin' in his favor. The people be singin' his praises like a pirate's shanty on a moonlit night. His reputation be sailin' ahead of him like a flag on the mast, showin' his power and influence over the land.
So, me hearties, it be no surprise that the prime minister be on course for another victory. His grip on the helm be firm, steerin' the ship through rough seas and calm waters alike. The crew be standin' by his side, ready to follow him into battle and victory.

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