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Arrr! EU cap'n pleads for solidarity as Finland bars Russian gates 'gainst migrant swarm. Avast, ye trouble be brewin'!


Arrr, me hearties! The Cap'n Ursula von der Leyen be shoutin' from the highest mast about Finland shuttin' its borders to them scallywags comin' from Russia. Aye, 'tis a right smart move to keep the riff-raff out! Aye aye, matey!

Arrr mateys, the head of the European Union's executive branch be speakin' in a serious tone about Finland's decision to shut down its borders with Russia, claimin' it be a matter of security for the whole 27-member crew to ponder. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen be sailin' to the frontier to see the situation for herself. She be warnin' officials about Putin and his crew usin' migrants to test defenses and cause chaos, especially now that Finland be supportin' Ukraine and joinin' NATO.On April 4, Finland be extendin' the closure of its border crossings with Russia due to fears of organized migration schemes by Moscow. Only one checkpoint be open now, for cargo trains only. The land border stretchin' 832 miles between Finland and Russia be mostly through thick forests and rugged Arctic terrain.Von der Leyen be flyin' over the border with Finnish Prime Minister Petteri Orpo, discussin' the security risks of Russia aidin' illegal border crossings. Security be a key theme for von der Leyen's re-election campaign, with most migrants comin' from the Middle East and Africa seekin' asylum in Finland. Finland and Sweden be joinin' NATO recently, causin' a stir with Putin and changin' the security landscape in Europe after the invasion of Ukraine.

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