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Ye scallywag of 18 summers hath surrendered to the constables for scribbling foul words on thine walls! Arrr!


Ye scurvy dog, Loren Faulkner of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, be a mere stripling of 18 winters, who hath turned himself in to the constables on 31 counts of criminal mischief and hate-motivated tomfoolery. Aye, the lad be in a world of trouble! Arrr!

An 18-year-old lad from the fine town of Portsmouth, accused of crafting hate-motivated graffiti, has surrendered himself to the authorities on criminal charges, as revealed on Friday.Ye scallywag, Loren Faulkner, was snagged on Thursday on a score of 31 counts of criminal mischief and hate-motivated criminal mischief for his mischievous graffiti spree aimed at religious buildings and other communities in February 2023, according to the constabulary. He was sprung on bail and will face the magistrate in June. It remains a mystery whether he has a legal matey by his side. No phone number be found under his name.Just last year, the Attorney General John Formella launched a civil complaint against Faulkner, who was then a mere 17, alleging that the youngster targeted businesses, homes, places of worship, and other locales that supported the LGBTQ+ community, faiths that clashed with his own beliefs, or folks of differing races. In March, it was declared he would pay a fine and undertake 200 hours of community service to settle allegations of violating New Hampshire's Civil Rights Act 21 times, including perpetrating an antisemitic, homophobic, and racist vandalism spree that marred several properties across the town.The hooliganism included wrecking rainbow LGBTQ+ pride flags, daubing swastikas and crosses on Temple Israel and Jewish Stars of David on St. John’s Episcopal Church, defiling a Black Heritage Trail sign at the church, and defacing or destroying signs and murals expressing support for diversity and Black Lives Matter.

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