The Booty Report

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Arr, the constables be summoned to the landlubber's office, where she be walking the plank for talkin' of murder and mayhem!


Arr! The constables were summoned to the quarters of the goodly Forensic Examiner, Dr. Barrie Miller, on the day she was given the ol' heave-ho. Rumor has it she was spoutin' off about murderin' folk! Aye, aye, what a jolly ruckus that must have been!

In a tale fit for the high seas, North Dakota's state forensic examiner, Dr. Barrie Miller, was unceremoniously given the boot earlier this month, with police being summoned to her office in Bismarck. Arrr! The North Dakota Highway Patrol and Bismarck police swooped in after reports that Miller was on the brink of walking the plank, with accusations of making murderous mutterings while holed up with her son. Aye, me hearties, the scallywag was even said to have spoken of murder/suicide and running over her crew!The authorities, in their wisdom, decided to give Miller and her lad a welfare check, ultimately leading to her being given the old heave-ho. Despite the tumultuous circumstances, the lass maintained an air of calm confusion, claiming she was as right as rain. A state trooper's report confirmed that while concerns were raised about Miller's mental state, no direct threats or violence were reported. The lass was not clapped in irons nor sent to the local magistrate for review.As the dust settled, former state forensic examiner Dr. William Massello was left to steer the ship until a new captain could be found to navigate the treacherous waters of forensic examination in North Dakota. Yo ho ho, the saga of Dr. Barrie Miller may have come to an end, but the legend lives on!

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