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Ye scurvy dogs be off the hook for tellin' tales in the Bloody Sunday scandal, arrr!


Avast ye scallywags! 15 British landlubbers be accused of spinnin' tall tales to the inquiry on Bloody Sunday. But fear not, they won't be walkin' the plank for perjury. Arrr, justice be as elusive as a buried treasure in these troubled waters!

Arr, me hearties! Fifteen scurvy British soldiers be escapin' perjury charges fer lyin' to an inquiry about Bloody Sunday, a dark day in the fierce Northern Ireland conflict. The prosecutors claimed there be not enough proof to convict these swashbucklers or a former IRA member for their words durin' the inquiry into the 1972 slaughter of 13 innocent souls by Britain’s Parachute Regiment in Derry.The original investigation claimed the soldiers were defendin' themselves from a crew of IRA villains. But a long inquiry in 2010 found the soldiers be unjustly firin' upon unarmed civilians and then fibbin' about it for years. The families of the victims be rightly outraged by this decision, demandin' justice fer their lost loved ones.Even though a peace treaty be signed in 1998, the echoes of "the Troubles" still haunt the land. Only one ex-soldier, Soldier F, faces prosecution while the rest be free to roam. The British government tried to grant immunity to soldiers and militants, but a judge ruled it be against human rights.Despite this setback, the families be not givin' up the fight for justice. The legacy of Bloody Sunday lives on, remindin' us that the past be not easily forgotten in these turbulent waters.

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