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Arr! Japanese scallywags narrowly dodge explosive scoundrel in foreign port city. Aye, 'twas a close call indeed!


Avast, ye scallywags! A scurvy dog set off a blast near a cart o' Japanese land lubbers in Karachi. The land lubbers be unharmed, but three poor souls caught in the crossfire be wounded. Aye, 'tis a black spot on the day, for sure!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, a scurvy suicide bomber be detonated his explosive-laden vest near a van carrying Japanese autoworkers in Pakistan's port city o' Karachi, savvy? The Japanese managed to narrowly escape the attack, but alas, three poor bystanders were wounded in the process. Arrr!Separately, an Afghan Taliban religious scholar met his unfortunate end in an attack in the southwest of Pakistan the day afore.The attack on the van occurred as it was makin' its way to an industrial area where the five Japanese nationals toiled at Pakistan Suzuki Motors, as per the local police chief Arshad Awan. He mentioned that the police escorting the Japanese fought back after bein' attacked, ultimately takin' down an accomplice of the scallywag suicide bomber whose remains were found at the scene.Arrr! "All the Japanese who were the focus o' the attack be safe," Awan declared. The Pakistani President and Prime Minister also condemned the attack and praised the police for their swift response.Images on the local news showed the damaged van, and the wounded bystanders were reported to be in stable condition at a hospital. The attackers may be small separatist groups or the Pakistani Taliban, known for their attacks on security forces and foreigners workin' on Chinese-funded projects in Pakistan.Another sad tale unfolded in Quetta, where an Afghan Taliban scholar was slain by gunmen in a mosque. The Afghan Taliban spokesperson denounced the killin', raisin' questions as to why the scholar was still in Pakistan after many Afghan leaders returned to Afghanistan after the Taliban seized control.

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