The Booty Report

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Arrr, Eric Hovde be walkin' the plank with his comments about the seasoned voters. Aye, the scallywag be in trouble now!


Arrr matey! The scallywag Republican be claimin' election shenanigans in 2020, suggestin' even the landlubber residents in nursing homes be too addled in the brain to cast a vote. Avast! Methinks he be graspin' at straws like a drunken sailor!

Arrr mateys, ye won't believe the audacity of this scallywag runnin' for Senate in Wisconsin! He be talkin' about election irregularities and questionin' the mental capacity of nursing home residents to vote. Blimey!
It be like he's tryin' to make a joke out of democracy! Shiver me timbers! Who does he think he be to cast doubt on the abilities of them elderly residents? They be just as entitled to their vote as anyone else!
Me thinks this landlubber be graspin' at straws tryin' to explain away his loss in the election. Instead of admittin' defeat like a proper pirate, he be spreadin' lies and insults like a scurvy dog!
We be keepin' a weather eye on this scallywag, me hearties. Let's make sure he walks the plank in the next election and we can get back to havin' honest and fair elections like true buccaneers!

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