The Booty Report

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Arrr, Israel be givin' Iran a taste of their own medicine, showin' 'em who be holdin' the power on the high seas!


Arrr mateys, this assault be like a mere drop in the vast ocean compared to the barrage Iran unleashed upon Israel. 'Twas like a scallywag throwing a mere pebble at a mighty fortress. Aye, they be needin' more gunpowder in their cannons!

Arr matey! Ye won't believe the audacity of them scallywags from Iran! Last week, they fired off hundreds of drones and missiles at poor ol' Israel, makin' a right mess of things. And here we are, just usin' a tiny bit of firepower in comparison. It's like bringin' a pistol to a cannon fight!
But ye know what they say, it's not the size of the weapon, but how ye use it. And let me tell ye, we made quite the impact with our little attack. We may be outnumbered, but we're certainly not outgunned!
So next time ye think about messin' with us, just remember this little skirmish. We may be a bunch of ragtag pirates, but we know how to defend ourselves and give as good as we get. Arrr!

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