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Me dear Michigan wench be teachin' her scallywag granddaughter the art o' combat in the school privy! Arrr!


Avast ye scallywags! A Michigan granny be thrown in the brig for assistin' her granddaughter in givin' another landlubber a good thrashin' in the school privy. 'Tis a grand tale to be sure, arrr!

In a tale fit for the high seas, a Michigan grandmother has been accused of aiding her granddaughter in a schoolyard scuffle at McMonagle Elementary School. The duo reportedly ambushed a fellow student in a bathroom during a behavioral meeting, with the grandmother holding the victim down while her granddaughter delivered the blows.The school's spokesperson, Jamal Bransford, expressed shock at the breach of security that allowed the grandmother unauthorized access to school premises. Despite the melee, no other children were harmed in the incident.Bransford emphasized the school's commitment to student safety and vowed to tighten security measures to prevent future breaches. Meanwhile, the grandmother has been captured and is currently detained at the Genesee County Jail, awaiting justice for her alleged role in the schoolyard scuffle.

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