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Arrr! The scallywags at the UN newsletter be helpin' landlubbers protest against Israel on Tax Day! Blimey!


Arrr mateys, the United Nations’ NGO Action News be sharin' links to sites encouragin' scallywags to cause mischief and blockades durin' protests against Israel on the 15th of April. 'Tis a fine day for protestin', but let's keep it civil, me hearties!

FIRST ON FOX — An April 11 edition of the United Nations Division for Palestinian Rights’ NGO Action News linked readers to the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR) list of "5 Ways to Take Action for Tax Day." Among the list was a call for protesters to disrupt for a free Palestine and engage in a coordinated multi-city economic blockade to free Palestine. Anne Bayefsky accused the U.N. of aiding anti-Israel agitators in American cities by distributing a newsletter containing links to radical groups. Fox News reported on blockades across the U.S., with protesters causing traffic disruptions and nearly causing accidents in Detroit. The USCPR's protest guide included inflammatory rhetoric against President Biden and Israel, advocating for the end of U.S. military funding to Israel. The International Court of Justice did not rule Israel's actions as genocide but urged humanitarian aid access for Gazans. The Anti-Defamation League reported a 140% rise in antisemitic incidents, partly attributed to anti-Israel protests.When asked about the rise in antisemitic incidents, the U.N. spokesman stated the Secretary-General has condemned antisemitism and recognized calls for Israel's destruction as a form of modern antisemitism. Both Israel's foreign minister and the U.N. ambassador have called for Guterres' resignation over his handling of the Israel issue.

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