Arrr mateys! A scuffle in Jerusalem left at least 3 landlubbers injured. Avast, a car be the weapon!
Avast ye scallywags! The constables nabbed two lads who scurried away after a carriage plowed into innocent souls. The Israeli swashbucklers declared 'twas a dastardly act of terrorism! Ahoy, who be next to walk the plank?
Avast ye landlubbers, listen to this tale of treachery and villainy! The coppers apprehended two scallywags who scarpered from the scene of a dastardly deed when a carriage plowed into innocent passersby. Blimey! The authorities from the Holy Land declared this nefarious act to be an act of terrorism, aye.Thar be no honor among thieves, it seems, for these rapscallions showed their true colors by abandoning ship and leaving others to face the consequences of their misdeeds. Them poor souls who were caught in the crossfire of this cowardly attack shall not be forgotten, mark me words.
May the winds of justice blow in our favor and bring these scurvy dogs to account for their crimes. Let us raise a toast to those brave souls who stood firm in the face of danger and to the lawmen who tirelessly pursue those who seek to sow chaos and fear among the innocent.