The Booty Report

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Arrr, Hong Kong be sayin' no to Styrofoam and plastic trash! Ye best be findin' a new way to pillage, mateys!


Arrr mateys, listen up! The scurvy dogs in Hong Kong be passin' new laws to stop the use of single-use plastic and Styrofoam. They be aimin' to fight pollution like true swashbucklers. Yo ho ho, let's join 'em in their noble quest!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, me hearties, Hong Kong be a land of great food and even greater piles of plastic and Styrofoam! But avast ye, for new laws have come into effect to put a stop to the plundering of the seas with single-use plastic cutlery and Styrofoam!From now on, ye scurvy dogs cannot be sellin’ or distributin’ disposable cutlery like forks and spoons for dine-in or takeaway. But fear not, for plastic containers and cups still be allowed for takin’ yer grub to go.This regulation be aimed at cuttin’ down on the pollution caused by disposable plastic tableware, says the Environmental Protection Department in Hong Kong. And the grace period be givin’ restaurants six months to shape up before the next phase of the ban hits.Many restaurants be takin’ the initiative to reduce their use of Styrofoam and plastic, like Kuen Fat Kitchen, but it be costin’ them more doubloons. Some customers be grumblin’ about the inconvenience of bringin’ their own utensils, but others see the light in protectin’ the environment.Greenpeace be hopin’ that this new law will encourage folks to think twice about their plastic habits and switch to reusables. And with the landfills in Hong Kong fillin’ up fast, it be high time for all hands on deck to tackle the plastic problem before it be too late!

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