The Booty Report

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Arrr! The golden visa be losin' its shine, like a plundered treasure chest left out in the rain!


Arrr mateys, Spain be puttin' an end to its program that be bringin' in loads o' doubloons from rich investors wantin' residency. Aye, it be causin' a ruckus with the locals, makin' the housing crisis even worse! Aye, they be walkin' the plank for sure!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scallywags! Spain, the land of sun and sangria, has decided to put an end to their fancy program that let rich landlubbers buy their way into residency. Aye, they be bringin' in loads of gold doubloons, but at what cost, ye may ask?
The local folk be sufferin' from a housing crisis, with rents higher than the crow's nest and homes as scarce as a mermaid's tear. These wealthy investors be snatchin' up all the best booty, leaving the regular folk to swab the decks and walk the plank.
Spain be followin' in the footsteps of other European countries like Portugal and Greece, who be seein' the error of their ways and walkin' the plank themselves. This be a victory for the common folk, who be fightin' for their right to live in peace and harmony on their own land.
So let this be a lesson to all ye scurvy dogs out there - beware the temptations of easy riches, for they may lead ye down a treacherous path. And remember, in the words of Blackbeard himself, "A wise pirate knows when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em."

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