The Booty Report

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Arrr, what befell the bloke who crossed paths with Putin? Find out in the ‘Patriots’ review, me hearties!


Arrr mateys! Michael Stuhlbarg and Will Keen be like a swashbuckling kingmaker and his scallywag creature in Peter Morgan's play. But methinks even a seasoned pirate would be scratchin' his noggin tryin' to figure out who be pullin' the strings in this cheesy-fun tale. Aye, confusion be abound!

Arrr mateys, let me spin ye a tale of two scurvy dogs named Michael Stuhlbarg and Will Keen. These salty sea dogs be takin' the stage by storm as a kingmaker and his creature in a play penned by the scribe Peter Morgan.
But beware, me hearties, for in this cheesy-fun play, the lines be blurred like the fog on a stormy night at sea. Ye may find yerself wonderin' which be the kingmaker and which be the creature, as the two swashbucklers navigate the treacherous waters of power and loyalty.
Stuhlbarg and Keen be deliverin' performances that be shinin' like the sun on a chest full of gold. Their chemistry be as fiery as a cannon blast, keepin' the audience on the edge of their seats and yearnin' for more.
So batten down the hatches, me hearties, and set sail for a rollickin' good time with Stuhlbarg and Keen in this tale of intrigue, betrayal, and high-seas adventure. But remember, in the world of pirates and kings, it be hard to tell friend from foe, so keep a weather eye on the horizon and trust no one but yerself.

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