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Arrr! Greek coppers be roundin' up scallywags in a crackdown on soccer scuffles. Aye, watch yer tackles, ye landlubbers!


Arrr! The land lubbers in Greece be getting a taste of the long arm of the law! The coppers be raiding homes left and right, rounding up scallywags involved in the rowdy rumbles at the soccer matches. Shiver me timbers!

In the land of Greece, the authorities have raided homes and captured many scallywags in an effort to quell the chaos caused by violent soccer fans. A gallant police officer, Giorgos Lyggeridis, met his demise after being struck by a flare during a rowdy bout between rival fans at a volleyball match in Athens.The Greek police chief, Dimitris Mallios, boasted of arresting 60 ne'er-do-wells in a covert operation that lasted for moons. This endeavor unveiled a criminal gang of 158 miscreants who have been wreaking havoc in Athens, Volos, and Ioannina since at least 2019.During the crackdown, the diligent officers seized weapons, drugs, and other contraband from the mischievous lot. The chief vowed to continue the fight against sports violence, which often spills over into other sporting events.After the tragic death of Officer Lyggeridis, the authorities banned fans from attending top-tier soccer matches for a fortnight. As part of the security overhaul, attendees must now present a government-issued QR code on their mobile device to gain entry into stadiums. Let this be a lesson to all scoundrels who dare to disrupt the peace in the realm of sports!

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