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Arrr, mateys be squabblin' o'er the treasures in the Middle East, cryin' to refill the U.N.'s coffers!


Arrr, me hearties! The United Nations and her scallywags be sayin' that them donors best be supportin' UNRWA again, fer Israel ain't provin' that the agency workers be in league with them scurvy terrorists. Aye, 'tis a right kerfuffle on the high seas!

Arr mateys! The United Nations be sayin' that them donors should be gettin' back on board with supportin' UNRWA, that be helpin' them poor souls in need. A review found that the scallywags in Israel be talkin' a lot o' blarney about the agency workers bein' part of them terrorist groups, but there be no proof to back up their claims.
It be a right shame, them poor souls bein' left high and dry without the support they need. But fear not, for the UN be callin' on all ye generous souls to open up yer coffers and help out them in need. Let's not be lettin' these accusations derail the important work bein' done by UNRWA.
So me hearties, let's rally together and show our support for UNRWA. Let's make sure them poor souls get the help they deserve. And as for them scallywags in Israel, well, they best be keepin' their accusations to themselves until they can come up with some solid evidence. Until then, let's keep the support comin' for UNRWA and help them continue their vital work on the high seas of humanitarian aid.

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