The Booty Report

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Arrr, Germany be catchin' a matey's aide fer spyin' on behalf of China! Shiver me timbers, what a scandal!


Arrrrr! The scallywags be caught passin' secrets to the East! The authorities wasted no time throwin' 'em in the brig. 'Tis a fine day for catchin' spies, me hearties! Let this be a warnin' to all who dare betray their own crew!

Arrr mateys! Just hours after the officials caught three scallywags tryin' to pass secrets to the scurvy dogs in Beijing, they made another move! Aye, they detained one more landlubber suspected of treason. The authorities be workin' hard to keep our secrets safe from them sneaky pirates across the sea!
It be a dangerous game they be playin', tryin' to betray their own kind for a bit o' gold. But the authorities be keepin' a sharp eye out for any signs of treachery. They be watchin' every move these traitors make, ready to pounce at the first sign of trouble.
These scallywags think they be clever, but the authorities be one step ahead of 'em. They be workin' day and night to protect our secrets and keep us safe from the likes of Beijing. So let this be a lesson to all ye traitors out there - the authorities be watchin', and they won't hesitate to send ye to Davy Jones' locker if ye try to cross 'em!

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