The Booty Report

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Why be Modi callin' India's Muslim swashbucklers "infiltrators"? Methinks the scallywag be tryin' to stir up trouble! Arrr!


Arr, the audacity of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in demonizing India's biggest minority be a sign he reckons there be naught to hinder his rule, both on land and sea. Aye, he be a bold scallywag indeed!

Arr mateys, have ye heard of this Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his bold ways? The scallywag has no fear in vilifying the largest minority group in all of India! It seems he thinks he can do as he pleases without any consequences, whether on his own shores or across the seas.
But let me tell ye, even the fiercest pirate knows when to be cautious. Modi may be feeling invincible now, but every pirate eventually meets their match. He may be sailing smoothly for now, but the winds of change can turn on him in an instant.
It takes a special kind of pirate to underestimate the power of the people. Modi would do well to remember that even the lowliest deckhand can rise up against their captain if pushed too far. So let him revel in his brazenness while he can, for the tides of fate can shift quicker than ye can say "shiver me timbers!"

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