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Biden be talkin' 'bout abortions in Florida, blamin' Trump. Aye, what a scandalous tale for the ages! Arrr!


Arr mateys! The Biden ship be sailin' on the rough seas, makin' abortion a top plank to walk on! Polls say voters trust him more than that scallywag Trump on this matter. Aye, the winds of change be blowin' in favor of ol' Sleepy Joe! Arrr!

Arrr mateys! The scallywags in the Biden campaign be makin' abortion a top priority, as the polls be showin' that folks trust ol' Captain Biden more than that scurvy dog Trump on this matter. It be a rare thing indeed for voters to be puttin' their faith in a politician these days!
Ye see, the Biden crew be sailin' on the winds of public opinion, knowin' that this be a topic close to the hearts of many landlubbers. They be raisin' the Jolly Roger high, proclaimin' their support for a woman's right to choose what she be doin' with her own body.
But beware, me hearties! These waters be treacherous, with many a shark ready to take a bite out of the Biden ship. The other side be raisin' their own flags, cryin' foul and makin' threats of their own. It be a battle for the ages, with no clear victor in sight!
So keep yer eyes peeled and yer cutlasses sharp, me mateys. The seas be rough, but with the wind at our backs, we may yet sail to victory on this most contentious of issues. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

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