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Arrr, a mighty horde of locals be swarming in Brazil, venting their wrath at Lula's land giveaways!


Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! The natives be gatherin' in Brazil's capital to give President Lula a piece of their mind! They be demandin' the expulsion of them land-grabbin' scallywags and the creation of reserves. Aye, let's hope the President be listenin' this time!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, me hearties, thousands of Indigenous folk be gathering in Brazil's capital, ready to give President Lula a piece of their minds for not keepin' his promises about creating reserves and kickin' out them illegal miners and land-grabbers from their lands. This Free Land Camp be a yearly affair where Indigenous folks be holdin' Lula's government to the fire for their broken promises.Last week, Lula only made two new reserves instead of the six he promised, blamin' state governors and the need to find new homes for non-Indigenous folks. The Indigenous People Articulation be sayin' "enough of lawful genocide" in an open letter to the government, demandin' their rights be respected.Indigenous leader Alessandra Korap be expressin' disappointment in Lula's government for not keepin' their word. Despite Lula's promises, Indigenous rights be facin' fierce opposition from the agribusiness sector, which be havin' strong support in Congress.Protesters be settin' up camp in Brasilia, ready for a week of traditional dances, debates, and political demonstrations. More be expected to join throughout the week, showin' that the Indigenous folk be standin' strong in their demands.

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