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Ye scallywags be callin' for a grand uprising 'gainst the Russkies! Avast, me hearties! Let's raise the Jolly Roger!


Arrr mateys! Six scurvy Georgian scallywags be raisin' the Jolly Roger last week, callin' fer a grand mutiny against a bill on "foreign agents"! They be claimin' 'tis a scheme to scupper our voyage towards the European Union and NATO. Let's hoist the sails and join the protest! Aye aye, captain!

Avast, me hearties! Six Georgian scallywags be raisin' the Jolly Roger against a government bill aimin' to scupper the country's course towards the European Union and NATO. This bill be likened to Russia's own crackdowns on dissent, sparkin' three nights of protest in the fair city of Tbilisi.Arr, up to 10,000 landlubbers gathered outside the parliament, then marched on the prime minister's quarters. A scuffle broke out, with 13 souls detained and a brave police officer injured.The opposition parties be hailin' the protesters' mettle and cursin' the ruling Georgian Dream party for backin' the bill. They be swearin' it goes against the Georgian people's will to join the EU and NATO, and taints our country's sovereignty.The bill demands organizations gettin' over 20% of their loot from abroad to register as foreign agents. Georgian Dream claims it be fightin' off foreign "pseudo-liberal values" and promotin' transparency.The EU and the U.S. be none too pleased, warnin' the bill could scuttle Georgia's membership hopes. The scallywags be in a bind, with the bill needin' two more readings to become law.Georgia's pro-European crew be divided, but they be unitin' against this bill that threatens freedom of speech and independent media. The legacy of the jailed former president be a point of contention, but they be standin' together to fight this unjust law.

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