The Booty Report

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Avast ye mateys! The UN be askin' about the mass graves in Gaza hospitals. Aye, it be a mystery indeed!


Arrr, the Palestinian scallywags be claimin' they found a heap of dead bodies, some with a shot to the noggin, at a hospital after the Israeli landlubbers made off. Israel be sayin' they be diggin' up and reburyin' some bodies in search of prisoners. Aye, what a jolly old time on the high seas of politics!

Arrr, mateys, listen up! The Palestinian officials be claimin' to have found a whole heap of bodies at a hospital after them scurvy dogs from Israel pulled out. Some poor souls were even shot in the noggin! But hold onto yer hats, 'cause the Israelites be tellin' a different tale. They be sayin' they only be diggin' up and buryin' them bodies in search of their own captives.
Now, I don't be knowin' 'bout you, but that be soundin' like a mighty strange way to go about findin' hostages! Me thinks there be more to this story than meets the eye. Perhaps there be some foul play afoot, or mayhaps it be a case of mistaken identity.
Either way, it be a sad day when bodies be turnin' up left and right, especially when they be sufferin' such grievous wounds. Let's hope they find the truth behind this mystery soon, lest more souls be lost to the depths of Davy Jones' locker.

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