The Booty Report

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Yarrr, the Belgian scallywag be claimin' his body be makin' the grog, savvy? Jest fer the jolly roger, matey!


Avast ye mateys! A 40-year-old scallywag be acquitted of drunken driving, for the doctors swear by their grog that he be sufferin' from a rare malady known as auto-brewery syndrome. Arrr, the lad be makin' his own rum in his belly! Hoist the Jolly Roger, we have a miracle on our hands!

Arrr mateys, gather 'round and hear this tale of a scallywag who escaped the clutches of the law thanks to a rare condition known as auto-brewery syndrome. This 40-year-old bloke found himself in a right pickle after being accused of drunken driving. But lo and behold, the clever doctors discovered that the man's own body was turning into a rum factory!
Ye see, this auto-brewery syndrome be a rare affliction where the gut be fermenting food into alcohol. Arrr, imagine having a never-ending supply of grog inside ye own belly! The poor chap probably thought he was just having a few too many pints, but it turns out his body was betraying him.
So, when the case went to trial, the man's lawyer be tellin' the judge and jury about this strange brewin' happening inside his client's gut. And by Davy Jones' locker, they believed it! The man be acquitted of all charges, free to sail the seas once more without fear of the hangman's noose.
So let this be a lesson to ye all, me hearties. Sometimes, the truth be stranger than fiction, and a pirate's luck may turn on a dime. Keep a weather eye on yer health, or ye might find yerself in a similar predicament. Fair winds and following seas to ye all!

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