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Arrr mateys, ye be thinkin' the UN can't just be allowin' a scallywag terror state fer the Palestinians!


Arrr mateys, in the twisted realm of the U.N., the scurvy Security Council be thinkin' to give them scallywags Hamas a grand prize fer their mischief on Oct. 7 by lettin' them landlubber Palestinians join in on the fun. Avast ye, what a jest!

In the wake of the brutal attack by Hamas on October 7th, which resulted in the deaths of over 1,200 Israelis, the capture of 250 hostages, and thousands wounded, I find myself frequently attending United Nations Security Council meetings. Despite the gravity of the situation, these gatherings do not focus on securing the release of our hostages or condemning Hamas for their actions. Instead, the Council seems determined to vilify Israel for defending itself against Hamas, who seek its destruction.The U.N.'s decision to grant the Palestinians full membership after a massacre of Jews and their lack of control over Gaza raises serious concerns. The Palestinian Authority's support of terror and refusal to condemn atrocities demonstrate their unsuitability for U.N. membership.By rewarding terrorism, the Security Council undermines peace efforts and jeopardizes future negotiations. The U.N.'s politicized actions benefit terrorists and hinder potential resolutions to conflicts.It is disheartening to witness the U.N. prioritize politics over morality and truth, fostering a culture of terrorism rather than promoting peace. The organization's failure to uphold human rights calls into question its purpose and future existence.As we hope for a reformed U.N. that champions justice and humanity, the current state of the organization leaves much to be desired. The Security Council's misguided decisions only serve to perpetuate conflict and hinder progress towards a peaceful resolution.

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