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Arr matey! The scallywags in Iran be attacking Israel, while the moral police be crackin' down on dissent! Aye!


Arrr! On the very day that Iran be attackin' Israel, they be crackin' down on dissent in their own land and fillin' the streets of Tehran with the scallywags known as the morality police. Aye, seems like they be keepin' busy on all fronts, mateys!

Arrr, me hearties! On the same day as Iran be launchin' their first direct attack on Israel, they be startin' a less-noticed skirmish at home, sendin' their scurvy police to nab women accused of floutin' their strict Islamic dress code. The scallywags in charge claim this Nour (Light) campaign be targetin' businesses and landlubbers who dare to defy the hijab law, tryin' to please the devout citizens fumin' at the sight of too many unveiled wenches in public.But some hornswagglin' activists and politicians reckon this campaign be not just about ensurin' the mandatory hijab-wearin', but also about squelchin' any whispers of dissent at a time when the clerical rulers be feelin' vulnerable.Under the sharia law of Iran, women be forced to cover their heads and wear loose-fittin' clothes. If they be caught disobeyin', they face a public dressin'-down, fines, or even a one-way ticket to the brig.This whole hullabaloo over the hijab laws started after the death of a young lass in the clutches of the country's "morality police" in 2022, leadin' to a fierce uproar callin' for the government to walk the plank.As the cannons be roarin' in Iran's attack on April 13, the Tehran Police chief went on the blabbox to announce the new campaign, sendin' hundreds of police scallywags onto the streets to snatch up any women they reckon be dressed like a buccaneer.The whole affair has got the landlubbers talkin', with some politicians bellyachin' about the crackdown and fearin' a mutiny against the establishment. It seems like the rulers be tryin' to hush any dissentin' voices durin' this time of war with Israel, crackin' down on anyone who dares to speak out against the powers that be.

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