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Ye olde Paris airport be flauntin' a newfangled contraption fer movin' baggage afore th' grand Olympic Games! Arrr!


Arrr, me hearties! The good folk at Paris Charles de Gaulle airport be showin' off their shiny new contraption for movin' baggage afore the 2024 Olympic Games. Aye, they be boastin' about their fancy new scanner system, fit for a swashbucklin' adventure!

Ahoy mateys! Officials at Paris Charles de Gaulle airport be showin' off a new security baggage system and a special area for handlin' baggage before the 2024 Paris Olympic Games. This new gear includes a fancy scanner system that can scan passengers' bags in more detail, so ye won't have to be takin' out yer electronic devices, aerosols, or liquids. Arrr!Cap'n Edward Arkwright, CEO of Aéroports de Paris Group, be sayin', "If we be havin' suspicions 'bout a piece o' luggage, that luggage ain't be goin' nowhere." They be preferin' them athletes to leave without their bags than risk takin' somethin' suspicious aboard.As the first stop for the 2024 Olympics, Charles de Gaulle Airport be expectin' to handle o'er 114,000 bags from delegations and the media, includin' an estimated 47,000 pieces o' sports equipment. They even be unveilin' a "baggage factory" to process all that gear, mateys!Sébastien Malaussene, the airport’s project manager, be sayin', "The real challenge be dealin' with them oversized bags from the athletes, who be travelin' with all their sports gear. They ain't be your average passengers with just a few bags, ye know. These athletes be bringin' loads o' oversized items!"

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