The Booty Report

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Arrr! Beware mateys, for the noble steeds be gallopin' about the heart o' London in a fantastical display!


Aye, me hearties! On a fine morn in London, a band of rogue army steeds didst cause quite a ruckus! They ran amok, trampling poor landlubbers in their path. But fear not, for the scallywags were rounded up in the end! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Ye won't believe the tale o' the runaway army horses that caused chaos in London just the other mornin'! The scallywags galloped through the streets, causin' mayhem and even plunderin' a few unlucky souls in their path. Arrr, the poor pedestrians didn't stand a chance against the hooves o' those wild beasts!
But fear not, me mateys, for the brave townsfolk eventually rounded up the rogue horses and brought 'em back to their barracks. The city be safe once again from the reign o' terror brought by those unruly steeds. It be a miracle that no lives were lost in the madness!
So next time ye hear the sound o' hoofbeats thunderin' through the streets, be on yer guard, me hearties! Ye never know when a gang o' runaway horses might come stormin' through, causin' havoc and chaos in their wake. But fear not, for the good people o' London be ready to face any challenge that comes their way!

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