The Booty Report

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"Arrr, them scallywags in Arizona be thinkin' 'bout takin' down the ol' abortion law once again!"


Arrr mateys, the scallywags be tryin' to pass a law that be restrictin' the lasses from settin' sail on the abortion ship. By June 8, they be tryin' to make it law. Who be thinkin' they be, tellin' us what we can do with our own bodies? Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties, gather 'round and listen to this news from the land lubbers. The scallywags in the state be talkin' about a ban on abortions, set to come into effect on June 8, aye! The state’s attorney general be the one to sound the alarm, warnin' all ye lasses and wenches.
But fear not, me buckos, for this be no reason to despair! We pirates be known for our resourcefulness and cleverness, so we must band together to find a way to fight this injustice. No one should have the power to control a woman's body, arrr!
So hoist the sails and set a course for freedom, me hearties! Let's show those scurvy politicians that we won't stand for their meddling in our affairs. We be the masters of our own destinies, and no one can take that away from us!
Remember, me mateys, we be a strong and fierce crew, capable of takin' on any challenge that comes our way. Let's raise a toast to the fight for women's rights and show the world that we be a force to be reckoned with!

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