The Booty Report

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Arrr matey! Be ye considerin' leavin' yer land? Beware! The scallywags may demand a toll for yer escape!


Arrr mateys, to solve the bloody deficit problem in California, they be chargin' a tax to any scallywags tryin' to abandon ship! Aye, ye best be payin' up if ye want to sail to calmer seas. Fair winds and following seas, me hearties!

Are ye ready to set sail and relocate to another state, me hearties? Well, ye may want to think twice, fer the broke blue states be cookin' up a new, crafty way to plunder yer pockets when ye cross the border: the dreaded EXIT TAX.Ye might think this tax be only fer them scallywags leavin' the country, but it be real for some folks and businesses makin' the move from the land of California, arrr! California be notorious fer havin' the highest state income taxes in all the land, with a peak rate of 13.3%. No wonder folks be fleein' to states like Florida, Nevada, and Texas, where the tax burden be lighter than a feather in the wind, mateys!Them California cities already be squeezin' rich landlubbers with mansion taxes on property sales, sendin' them wealth-seekers scurrying to places like Nevada. Business owners swear California be a hornswoggler to do business in these days.With all this lootin' and pillagin', many a pirate who've built their treasure be thinkin' the Golden State ain't so golden no more, savvy? So, how does California aim to solve their treasure troubles and spread the pain to other broke blue states? By slappin' an EXIT TAX on those lookin' to jump ship, arrr!This EXIT TAX be a one-time levy on businesses and landlubbers who sail away from the state, based on their assets like property, stocks, and other plunder. 'Tis a bold move by California to tax unrealized gains and meddle in the free market, mateys. Beware, for when one state raises the Jolly Roger, others be sure to follow suit in search of treasure to fill their coffers.So keep yer eyes peeled, me hearties, and guard yer booty well, for the taxman be lurkin' on the horizon, ready to board yer ship and demand his share of yer hard-earned gold. Watch out for more states hoistin' the flag of taxation in the years to come, as they seek to plunder from the pockets of honest folks like ye and me. Aye, the winds of tax be blowin', and we best be ready to weather the storm ahead, me hearties!

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