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Arrr! EU be confounded by impact o' gold handed to Turkey, sayin' auditors bein' like a bunch o' landlubbers!


Arrr, those fancy European Union auditors be scratchin' their heads like lice-infested bilge rats! They be claimin' they can't fathom the worth of all the gold they be throwin' at Turkey to deal with the swarms of scallywag migrants from Syria. Aye, 'tis a right good jest!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, the European Union auditors be scratchin' their heads on whether the billions of euros given to Turkey for Syrian refugees be doin' any good. In a deal made in 2016, the EU promised to give Turkey $6.4 billion to handle the migrants, with Turkey vowin' to keep 'em from sailin' to Europe. Aye, in March 2016, Turkey claimed the number of migrants crossin' into Greece had plummeted.Fast forward to 2021, more gold was pledged for the refugees in Turkey, with other deals with Tunisia and Egypt followin' suit. Cash cards be handed out to the registered refugees, with funds used for education, health, integration, and buildin' facilities for them fleein' the war-torn lands. Yet, the EU auditors found Turkey's education ministry keepin' mum on the impact of the projects.The EU's $566 million for education in Turkey be meant for teacher salaries, equipment, language trainin', and more. But without proper data, the auditors can't measure the impact or sustainability of these projects. Despite some challenges, the EU funds be providin' support to the refugees and host communities, but weaknesses and lack of proper assessment be noted by the auditors.

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