The Booty Report

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Arrr! Biden be throwin' out treasure like a drunken sailor to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan! Aye, where's me cut?


Arrr mateys, after months of bickering amongst scurvy dogs in Congress, a grand sum of $95.3 billion has been agreed upon to save President Biden's foreign treasure map. Avast ye, let's hope this booty be enough to keep our ship afloat!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scallywags! After months of shenanigans and hullabaloo in Congress, they finally agreed to a hefty $95.3 billion measure. This here measure be crucial for President Biden's foreign policy, arrr!
Ye see, there be a lot of bickering and squabbling amongst those landlubbers in Congress. But they finally got their act together and passed this grand sum to support the President's plans abroad. It be a relief for all of us watching from the sidelines, wondering if they'd ever get their act together.
Now, this be no small change, me hearties. $95.3 billion be a hefty sum, even for a pirate with a keen eye for treasure. But it be necessary to keep the ship afloat and support the President's vision for our relations with other lands.
So here's to Congress for finally pulling their heads out of their, er, portholes and getting this measure passed. Let's hope it be smooth sailing from here on out. And who knows, maybe they'll even throw a few doubloons our way for all our trouble in watching them squabble like a bunch of scurvy dogs!

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