The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Ye landlubbers in Georgia may find voting a bit more challenging with this new law looming on the horizon! Arrr!


Arrr mateys, this election bill be sayin' that those without a permanent abode can't be gettin' their mail-in ballots at shelters or other temp addresses! What be next, makin' 'em walk the plank to cast their vote? Aye, 'tis a load of bilge!

Arr mateys, listen up ye scallywags! The new election bill be havin' a provision that be sayin' homeless voters can't be gettin' their mail-in ballots or election info at shelters or other temporary addresses. Avast ye, this be a right shame!
Can ye believe it? Them poor souls who be already strugglin' to find a place to rest their weary bones now can't even be takin' part in the election process. It be like walkin' the plank without a chance to defend yerself!
I swear on Blackbeard's beard, this be a travesty! We be needin' to stand up for our homeless brothers and sisters and make sure they be havin' the same rights as the rest of us landlubbers. Let's raise the Jolly Roger and fight for justice!
So next time ye be hearin' about this provision in the election bill, remember to speak up for the homeless voters. They may not have a ship to sail or a port to call home, but they still be havin' a voice that deserves to be heard. Arrr!

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