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Arrr, Ukraine be gettin' a hefty sum o' gold from them fancy EU folks, aye! Fair winds ahead, me hearties!


Arrr, Ukraine be gettin' a bit o' gold from th' European Union, but they be needin' th' rest o' th' booty to be approved. Let's hope this be helpin' 'em navigate th' treacherous waters ahead! Aye, th' pirates be watchin' closely.

Arr mateys! Ukraine just got a hefty $1.6 billion in gold from the European Union, with hopes of snagging another 10 billion euros later this year, savvy?The EU has been the biggest moneybag for Ukraine since Russia started causing trouble in February 2022, providing a total of 31 billion euros, arr!But let's not forget our friends across the pond! The United States has also opened up its treasure chest, approving billions in new aid for Ukraine, arr!Finance Minister Serhiy Marchenko be sayin', "International support be the wind in our sails, keepin' us afloat and helpin' us grow our economy, arr!"With a whopping $37 billion deficit this year, Ukraine be relyin' on these Western allies to fund their defense and humanitarian needs as they take on those pesky Russians, arr!First Deputy Prime Minister Yulia Svyrydenko be lookin' ahead to the EU's lending program worth 50 billion euros, hopin' to get three more tranches this year to keep the ship steady, arr!To unlock the treasure chest, Ukraine must follow the EU's rules and make some changes, like fightin' corruption, improvin' business, and makin' their laws more like the EU's, arr!

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