The Booty Report

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Arrr, Netanyahu be cryin' foul 'gainst them scallywag students! He be needin' to walk the plank fer such accusations!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! The Israeli prime minister be shoutin' from the rooftops about the horrors happenin' in America's college campuses! Antisemitic mobs be runnin' amok in the hallowed halls of learnin'! 'Tis a travesty of the highest order, me hearties! Aye, we must do somethin' about it! Arrr!

"Arrr mateys, listen up! The cap'n of Israel be warnin' us of a terrible threat brewin' in the land of the free! He be sayin' that them scurvy dogs of antisemitism be runnin' amok on the college campuses of America, like a pack of hungry sharks circlin' their prey. The prime minister be soundin' the alarm, shoutin' from the mast that these vile mobs be takin' over the very heart of higher learnin'!
Ye best believe that this be no jest or tall tale spun by a drunken sailor! The prime minister be speakin' the truth, me hearties. These be dangerous times we be livin' in, when the very foundations of education be threatened by hate and prejudice. It be a battle for the soul of the nation, a fight to protect the rights and freedoms of all who seek knowledge and enlightenment.
So batten down the hatches, me hearties, and prepare for a rough voyage ahead. The seas be choppy and the winds be fierce, but we must stand strong in the face of such tyranny. Let us raise our flags high and unite against this common enemy, for we be stronger together than we be apart. May the winds of justice guide us through these troubled waters, and may we emerge victorious in the end. Yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum!"

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