The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, BHP be plunderin' Anglo American for a hefty sum of $39 billion doubloons. Aye, that be a mighty fine haul!


Arrr, ye scallywags! This grand bargain be makin' one of the mightiest copper pirates in all the seven seas! With the demand for this precious booty bein' higher than ever, we be settin' sail for riches beyond yer wildest dreams!

Arrr mateys, listen up! A grand deal be in the works to form one of the mightiest copper miners ye ever did see. This be happenin' when the demand for the precious metal be shootin' through the roof, especially for them green technologies. Avast ye, this be a time of great opportunity for us swashbucklers!
Imagine the riches we could plunder with such a powerful company at our disposal. The seas be filled with copper just waitin' to be mined, and we be the ones to claim it all. With our blades sharp and our wits even sharper, we'll be able to take on any foe that dares to stand in our way.
So let's raise a toast to this grand venture, me hearties! Together, we'll sail the high seas of copper mining and come out on top as the true rulers of the trade. No storm nor enemy ship shall steer us off course, for we be the fiercest crew to ever grace the seven seas. Yo ho ho and a barrel of copper, here's to our future fortune!

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