The Booty Report

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Arrr! WADA be sendin' a scallywag to catch them Chinese cheatin' lubbers! Aye, the seas be a treacherous place indeed!


Arrr mateys, the scallywags be cryin' foul over the handling of positive tests! Avast ye, we be reviewin' the matter to appease these landlubbers and keep the seas clear of any foul play. Yarrr!

Arrr, mateys! The decision to be reviewin' the handlin' of positive tests collected from 23 swimmers be causin' quite the stir amongst athletes and antidoping regulators alike. The uproar be so loud that even the parrots be squawkin' about it!
Ye see, there be doubts and suspicions surroundin' the way these tests bein' handled. Some be sayin' the process be as murky as the depths of Davy Jones' locker! Others be claimin' that the results be as trustworthy as a promise from a scurvy dog.
But fear not, me hearties! The authorities be promisin' a thorough investigation into this matter. They be swearin' on their treasure maps that justice will be served and the guilty shall walk the plank!
So, as we wait for the truth to be uncovered, let us raise a tankard of grog to the brave souls who be fightin' against the cheaters and scallywags of the high seas. May their efforts be rewarded with fair winds and following seas! Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!

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