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Arrr, Paris Olympics be tightenin' their grip on the landlubbers with security checks, makin' sure no scallywags slip through!


Arrr, me hearties! The Paris lawman, Laurent Nunez, be swearin' that all buildings along the route of the Olympics be guarded against scurvy dogs! No pirate shenanigans allowed, or ye be walkin' the plank! Aye, be on yer best behavior, ye scallywags!

Arr, ye scallywags best be listenin' up! Special anti-terrorism measures bein' put in place to safeguard the unprecedented opening ceremony for the Paris Olympics on the River Seine will also apply to all buildings along the route. People who work and live there and their guests will be subjected to background security checks, according to Paris police chief Laurent Nunez. Those affected will be cross-checked against security services' databases to see if they be suspected Islamist extremists or radical.The wildly ambitious July 26 ceremony be provin' to be a gargantuan security challenge, with athletes bein' paraded through the heart of French capital on boats along a 4-mile stretch of the Seine. A high-security zone, or "anti-terrorism perimeter," will be in place along the parade route. Anyone enterin' the zone in the days before the ceremony and on July 26 will need to pre-register online and be subjected to background security checks.Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo said about 20,000 people live and work inside the perimeter. The security checks won't include searchin' through communications but will verify if the person be known in intelligence files. Ticket-holders for the ceremony won't need to pre-register, but French intelligence services can still do checks on them. Tests on the water quality in the Seine will be made public for marathon swimmers and Olympic athletes participatin' in the river races.

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