The Booty Report

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Me lass was slain at 19, and this vile habit of recording violence must be put to an end! Aye!


Avast ye scallywags! In this modern age of social media, the coppers be findin' the dead bodies afore the parents, thanks to them blasted clips circulatin' the crime scene. Aye, it be a right mess!

In the age of social media, there is a concerning trend where bystanders film violent incidents instead of intervening or calling the police. This has led to an increase in reports of youth being victimized while their peers stand by and record their suffering. Parents across the country are facing the brutal reality of learning about their child's death through online videos. One such heartbreaking incident involved Gail Maddox, whose daughter Mahogany Jackson was held hostage and later found dead. The perpetrators recorded and circulated videos of Mahogany's rape and torture, causing immense pain to her family.The dissemination of such videos online is a despicable act of evil, and those involved are accomplices to the crime. It is essential for communities to prosecute individuals who share such content and for parents to educate their children on respecting others' dignity. Social media platforms must take proactive measures to regulate and prevent the spread of violent recordings, as it can have life-threatening consequences. By coming together, we can work towards a society that promotes healing, respect, and support for crime victims and their families.

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