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Arrr, if ye scurvy Supreme Court mateys grant immunity, Trump's election case be sailin' smooth as rum on a calm sea!


Avast ye mateys! On Thursday, the justices did signal two ways they could aid Donald Trump in his battle against charges of election skullduggery. Argh, it be a treasure trove of legal jargon, mateys! Aye, be ready for a wild ride on the high seas of justice!

Arrr mateys, listen up! The justices be talkin' 'bout helpin' that scurvy dog Trump in his battle against them charges of tryin' to turn the election on its head. They be discussin' two ways to give him a leg up in the fight.
One way be to give him a path to challenge the constitutionality of the laws he be accused of breakin'. That be like givin' him a secret map to findin' his way out of trouble. The other way be to limit the reach of them laws, makin' it harder for the scallywags to prove he be guilty.
But beware, me hearties! Them justices be playin' a dangerous game. They be walkin' a fine line between upholdin' the law and givin' Trump a pass. It be a tricky situation, like navigatin' through a stormy sea with no compass.
So keep a weather eye on the horizon, me mateys. This battle be far from over, and the outcome be uncertain. Will Trump emerge victorious, or will he be walkin' the plank? Only time will tell in this high-stakes game of legal cat and mouse.

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