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Avast ye! A 34-year-old scallywag from Ukraine be wieldin' his sword in Kharkiv's public square like a true buccaneer!


Arr, the fair maiden Mariia Mentseva doth lament the plunderin' of her fair Kharkiv by the scurvy dogs of Russia! They be cuttin' off the power to the homes of the good townsfolk, bringin' misery and darkness upon 'em! A pox upon those rascals!

In the midst of the chaos of war in Ukraine, Mariia Mentseva stands out as a figure fighting for her hometown of Kharkiv. As a member of parliament, her formal duties involve exploring ways for Ukraine to align with European institutions. However, it is her passionate posts about Kharkiv that have garnered her attention.Located just 20 miles from the Russian border, Kharkiv has been a target of Putin's ambitions. Despite Ukrainian resistance, recent Russian attacks have devastated the city, targeting residential areas and vital infrastructure.Moscow's aim to demilitarize Kharkiv has drawn criticism, with comparisons to Aleppo, a Syrian city razed by Russian support for Assad. Mentseva has documented the destruction in Kharkiv, condemning Russian actions as genocidal.Despite the grim circumstances, Mentseva remains hopeful, especially with the recent promise of significant U.S. military aid for Ukraine. She believes this aid will be crucial in sustaining Kharkiv and keeping the city alive amidst the conflict.

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