The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, Biden be settin' sail fer a feast o' words wit' the land lubbers in Washington this Saturday!


Arr mateys! At the grand White House Correspondents’ Association feast, cap'n Colin Jost be swashbucklin' with President Biden and the jolly news scallywags. Let's hope they be sharin' some hearty laughs and not walkin' the plank o' awkwardness!

Arr matey! Gather 'round ye scallywags and hear tell of the annual White House Correspondents’ Association dinner! This grand soirée be hosted by none other than Colin Jost, a jester of the highest order. And who be gracing us with their presence, ye ask? None other than President Biden himself, along with the rascally members of the news media!
Ye best be sharpening yer wit and donning yer best pirate garb, for this night be filled with laughter and merriment aplenty. Methinks jokes and japes shall be the order of the evening, with President Biden and the news media swashbucklers sharing hearty guffaws and witty banter.
So batten down the hatches and prepare to set sail on a sea of humor and hijinks, me hearties! Let's raise a tankard of grog to a night of mirth and revelry at the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner, where the only treasure be the laughter shared among friends and foes alike. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum, it be a night to remember!

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