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Arrr, mateys! UN be warning of Sudan scallywags surroundin' Darfur. Keep yer swords sheathed, lest ye be walkin' the plank!


Arrr mateys! The United Nations be warnin' that them Sudanese scallywags be readyin' to attack El Fasher! If they be not stopped, devastation be sure to follow. Aye, best be battening down the hatches, for trouble be brewin' on the horizon!

In the jolly language of a 17th-century pirate, the Sudanese paramilitary forces be circling the only capital they haven’t plundered in the western Darfur region, says the United Nations. Arrr! The attack, if it happens, could bring "devastating consequences" for the city's 800,000 souls. At the same time, the UN reports, the rival Sudanese Armed Forces be getting ready for a rumble.The U.N. Secretary-General, António Guterres, be tellin' the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces and government forces to hold their fire in the North Darfur area. The clash between these rival generals has caused a "crisis of epic proportions," says the U.N. political chief, Rosemary DiCarlo. Weapons be flowin' in from foreign supporters, breakin' the U.N. sanctions and fuelin' the fire.The situation be grim, with 40,000 displaced and civilian casualties. The roads be blocked, cuttin' off aid to El Fasher. The U.N. be workin' to calm the waters and get supplies through for the folk in need. The Rapid Support Forces be takin' control of Darfur, bringin' back memories of the genocide and war crimes of the past. The International Criminal Court be watchin', ready to cast judgment on those who break the pirate code.

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