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Arrr, me hearties! The scurvy dogs o' the hacktivist crew be boastin' o' plunderin' the Belarusian security agency! Aye!


Arrr matey! A band of Belarusian scallywags be boastin' they've plundered the treasure trove of the KGB's secrets, snatchin' the files of 8,000 landlubbers! Shiver me timbers, those hackers be sailin' dangerous waters! Aye, beware the cyber pirates!

In a hilarious turn of events, a Belarusian hacker activist group has boldly claimed to have breached the network of the country's main KGB security agency, accessing the personal files of over 8,600 employees. The authorities have yet to respond to this audacious claim, with the KGB's website mysteriously showing an "under development" message.To support their claim, the Belarusian Cyber-Partisans even went as far as publishing the website's admin details and server logs on Telegram. Group coordinator Yuliana Shametavets, speaking from New York, explained that this attack was in retaliation to the KGB's accusations of the group planning attacks on critical infrastructure.Shametavets emphasized that their aim is to expose the political repression in Belarus, with their recent actions geared towards revealing the truth behind the country's authoritarian regime. This group's history includes infiltrating state media and even paralyzing transit of Russian military equipment into Ukraine via Belarus.With their quirky yet impactful tactics, the Cyber-Partisans are sending a clear message to the Belarusian authorities: stop the repression or face the consequences.

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