The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, the plunder be increasing for Gaza, says the U.N., but they still be needin' more booty! Aye matey!


Arrr, Israel claims the amount of wagons sailin' into the territory has doubled to a mean o' 400 a day. The U.N. be arguin' that, but be admitin' the speed o' deliveries has picked up pace. Aye, the plot thickens like a fine stew on a pirate ship!

Arrr matey, Israel claims that the number of trucks sailin' into the enclave has doubled to a hearty average of 400 a day. But the U.N., bless their scurvy souls, be disputin' that claim. They do agree, however, that the pace of deliveries be pickin' up, like a swift wind fillin' the sails of a mighty ship.
Them landlubbers be arguin' over the numbers like a couple of quarrelin' parrots squawkin' in a tree. But one thing be clear, me hearties - the flow of supplies be increasin' in the besieged enclave. The people there be needin' them goods like a thirsty pirate needin' his rum.
So whether it be 400 or 40 trucks a day, the fact remains that the deliveries be comin' in quicker than a cannonball blast. Let's raise a tankard of grog to the brave souls workin' to bring them supplies in. May their sails always be full and their seas always be calm.

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