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Ahoy mateys! The scallywag DA Bragg's witness be spilling secrets in battle against Trump in the Big Apple! Arrr!


Arrr mateys, in the Trump hush money trial, them scallywag prosecutors be throwin' about words like "conspiracy" and "fraud" like they be cannonballs. But fear not, for Trump be walkin' the plank with no charges o' either! Aye, the sea be a treacherous place for a pirate indeed!

Cross-examination, me hearties, be the greatest legal engine ever invented for the discovery of truth, as ol' John Henry Wigmore proclaimed in 1923 from the Sixth Amendment. A defendant be havin' the right to confront his accusers, to shine light on false statements by witnesses and dark distortions by the likes of overzealous prosecutors who hide the truth. It be an effective method to test the veracity of evidence, ye see.On a fateful Friday, Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg be failin' the test, yet he be continuin' his pursuit of former President Donald Trump in a legally perverse case. Defense attorney Emil Bove be givin' a fierce cross-examination of David Pecker, the ex-publisher of the National Enquirer, causin' discomfort amongst the prosecutors as important truths be revealed under the light o' day.Pecker admitted that the Enquirer routinely suppressed negative stories and paid for positive ones, a common practice not unique to Trump. The prosecution, led by Bragg, be concealin' this vital information from the jury, showin' clear irony and hypocrisy in their pursuit of Trump. The mudslingin' be relentless, but the defense be unravellin' deceptions and exposin' distortions in the prosecution's case. Will the jury see the light of truth amidst the muck? Only time will tell in this absurd legal battle.

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