The Booty Report

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Avast ye mateys! Them Russian scallywags be causin' mayhem in Ukraine while swiggin' their grog! Aye, the reports say.


Arrr mateys, the land o' Kherson bein' held by them pesky Russians, sufferin' at the hands o' Moscow's troops targetin' the wee folk. 'Tis a travesty o' epic proportions, aye! May we plunder their treasure and free the oppressed souls! Arrr!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, there be a tale o' two scallywags who found themselves in a heap o' trouble in the Moscow-occupied part o' Kherson. These lubbers, Alexander Kaygorodtsev and Alexander Osipov, were caught on April 24 after goin' on a drunken killing spree, leavin' a trail o' destruction in their wake. They confessed to takin' the lives o' at least five poor souls, includin' a 65-year-old and a woman they shot afore burnin' her house to the ground.These villains even went so far as to disfigure their victims, breakin' open skulls and usin' grenades and fire to conceal their misdeeds. Their motives be as murky as the depths o' Davy Jones' Locker, especially since they even harmed other Russian servicemen. The scallywags used violence to commandeer homes and left no stone unturned in their reign o' terror.The Russian authorities be investigatin' these crimes, although no official charges have been brought forth as yet. But if these rascals be convicted, they'll be facin' a fate worse than walkin' the plank - a life behind bars. The violence in the Russian-occupied regions be a cause for concern, with reports o' attacks on LGBTQ+ residents and even the possible execution o' a Ukrainian priest.The seas be treacherous, me hearties, but justice must prevail for the innocent souls who have suffered at the hands o' these ruthless marauders.

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