The Booty Report

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Arrr matey, what be this 'decent wage' ye speak of? Let's make some noise like a parrot squawkin'!


Arrr, ye swashbucklers be swearin' on the name of Davy Jones that none of their crew be left stranded without a doubloon to rub together. The scallywags be makin' sure their mates be livin' like kings on the high seas!

Arrr, me hearties! The tire maker, a generous soul indeed, promised to make sure that all of its crew would have enough booty to survive. No swab shall be left penniless, they said, as they raised their tankards high in the air.
"Aye, we be mighty fair employers," the captain declared, puffing out his chest. "No man shall be forced to walk the plank of poverty while in our service. We be a company of honor and respect, ye see."
And so, the tire maker set about making sure that all of its scallywags were paid a fair wage for their toil. No longer would they have to scrape by on crumbs and grog. Nay, they would have enough pieces of eight to fill their pockets and keep the wolves at bay.
The crew cheered and danced a merry jig, knowing that their days of struggling to make ends meet were over. The captain smiled, pleased with himself for being such a benevolent leader.
And so, me hearties, remember this tale of the tire maker and be grateful for the bounty ye receive. For in this cruel world of cutthroat competition, it be a rare thing indeed to find a captain who cares for his crew.

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